Initiative 82 Petitions Submitted!

Today the DC Committee to Build a Better Restaurant Industry submitted 7,971 completed petitions to the DC Board of Elections. These petitions will be reviewed over the next 30 days and by Wednesday, April 6, we should know if we qualified for the June 21 primary ballot. A big thank you goes out all the petition circulators who helped us collect the signatures of over 5% of the registered voters in the District of Columbia. We could not have done this without everyone’s help!

All of the Initiative 82 petitions in order from 1 to 7,971
Initiative 82 proposer Ryan O'Leary and Field Director Kris Furnish in front of all the Initiative 82 petitions

Campaign Signs Available for Pickup!

The DC Committee to Build a Better Restaurant Industry has over 2,000 campaign signs ready to put up around DC and we need your help!

Come by the campaign office ( 2448 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 ) to pick up! Give us a call at (202) 733-4640 and let us know you’re on your way!